Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 6916 - 6930 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Time-of-Failure Probability Mass Function Computation Using the First-Passage-Time Method Applied to Particle Filter-based Prognostics 0 2020 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Particle-filtering-based Prognostics for the State of Maximum Power Available in Lithium-Ion Batteries at Electromobility Applications 3 2020 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Development of a new green indicator and its implementation in a cyber–physical system for a green supply chain 1 2020 Lisbeth Del Carmen Ng Corrales
Systematic literature review: Integration of additive manufacturing and industry 4.0 2 2020 Lisbeth Del Carmen Ng Corrales
Overall equipment effectiveness: Systematic literature review and overview of different approaches 3 2020 Lisbeth Del Carmen Ng Corrales
Primary data priorities for the life cycle inventory of construction products 0 2020 Yazmin Lisbeth Mack Vergara
Ciudades sostenibles y resilientes: El desafío latinoamericano 0 2020 Yazmin Lisbeth Mack Vergara
Proposta de método prático para avaliar o desempenho ambiental no ciclo de vida da construção 0 2020 Yazmin Lisbeth Mack Vergara
Primary data priorities for the life cycle inventory of construction products: focus on foreground processes 1 2020 Yazmin Lisbeth Mack Vergara
Smart and Sustainable Logistics Ecosystem of Panama: A Conceptual Model 0 2020 Juan Marcos Castillo Guerra
Fábrica de plantas con iluminación artificial para el cultivo y preservación sostenible de hierbas medicinales 0 2020 Carlos Wilfredo Contreras Avilés
Operation assessment of an air-PCM unit for summer thermal comfort in a naturally ventilated building 3 2020 Maria De Los Ángeles Ortega Del R.
Evaluación del ahorro de agua potable que se podrían percibir en los viveros al implementar un sistema de captación de agua de lluvia en la ciudad de Panamá 0 2020 Nicole Roxana Barria West
Application of the first three stages of the DMAIC methodology to identify the main cause of decline in the production process of wheat flour tortillas 1 2020 Nicole Roxana Barria West
Effect of the Central American Isthmus on gene flow and divergence of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) 0 2020 Miryam Doris Venegas Cortes