Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 6916 - 6930 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
A fuzzy logic inference approach for the estimation of the passengers flow demand 7 2010 Aranzazu Berbey Álvarez
A Fuzzy Logic Inference Approach for the Estimation of the Passengers Flow Demand 0 2016 Rony Caballero
A Fuzzy Logic Inference Approach for the Estimation of the Passengers Flow Demand 0 2016 Aranzazu Berbey Álvarez
A fuzzy logic inference approach for the estimation of the passengers flow demand 7 2010 Aranzazu Berbey Álvarez
A fuzzy logic approach to modelling the passengers’ flow and dwelling time 0 2012 Aranzazu Berbey Álvarez
A Fuzzy Logic Approach To Modelling The Passengers’ Flow And Dwelling Time 9 2012 Aranzazu Berbey Álvarez
A fuzzy logic approach to modelling the passengers’ flow and dwelling time 0 2012 Rony Caballero
A fuzzy logic approach to modelling the passengers’ flow and dwelling time 9 2012 Rony Caballero
A fuzzy logic approach to modelling the passengers’ flow and dwelling time 0 2012 Rony Caballero
A fuzzy logic approach to modelling the passengers’ flow and dwelling time 9 2012 Rony Caballero
A fuzzy logic approach to modelling the passengers’ flow and dwelling time 0 2012 Aranzazu Berbey Álvarez
A Fuzzy Logic Approach To Modelling The Passengers’ Flow And Dwelling Time 9 2012 Aranzazu Berbey Álvarez
A Framework to Design Parameterized and Personalized m-health Applications according to the Patient’s Diseases 0 2014 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
A Framework to Design Parameterized and Personalized m-health Applications according to the Patient’s Diseases 0 2014 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
A Framework for the Quality of Data in Data Grid Systems for Virtual Organizations. 5 2009 Miguel Vargas Lombardo