Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 46 - 60 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
A Bibliographic Review of the Importance of Carbon Dioxide Capture in Mangroves 1 2019 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
A Bibliographic Review of the Importance of Carbon Dioxide Capture in Mangroves 1 2019 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
A Bibliographic Review of the Importance of Carbon Dioxide Capture in Mangroves 1 2019 Nathalia Diazibeth Tejedor Flores
A blind iterative carrier frequency offset estimator based on a Kalman approach for an interleaved OFDMA uplink system 3 2009 Héctor Poveda
A blind iterative carrier frequency offset estimator based on a Kalman approach for an interleaved OFDMA uplink system 3 2009 Héctor Poveda
A climate analogue approach to understanding the future climates of six South American capital cities 0 2020 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
A climate analogue approach to understanding the future climates of six South American capital cities 0 2020 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
A cognitive way to access the frequency spectrum 1 2013 Héctor Poveda
A cognitive way to access the frequency spectrum 1 2013 Héctor Poveda
A collaborative informatics infrastructure for multi-scale science 79 2005 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
A collaborative informatics infrastructure for multi-scale science 79 2005 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
A comparative analysis of the effects of landfills on water quality: a case study of two locations in New Jersey 0 2018 Casilda Saavedra Hernández
A comparative analysis of the effects of landfills on water quality: a case study of two locations in New Jersey 0 2018 Casilda Saavedra Hernández
A comparative analysis of the effects of landfills on water quality: a case study of two locations in New Jersey Análisis comparativo de los efectos de los rellenos sanitarios … 0 0 Casilda Saavedra Hernández
A comparative analysis of the effects of landfills on water quality: a case study of two locations in New Jersey Análisis comparativo de los efectos de los rellenos sanitarios … 0 0 Casilda Saavedra Hernández