Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 1 - 15 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
1. Registration Based Retrieval using Texture Measures-Swarnambiga AYYACHAMY...... p. 01-10 2. Empirical Mode Decomposition-Based Analysis of Heart Rate Signal Affected by … 0 0 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
1. Registration Based Retrieval using Texture Measures-Swarnambiga AYYACHAMY...... p. 01-10 2. Empirical Mode Decomposition-Based Analysis of Heart Rate Signal Affected by … 0 0 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
1st CSCW@ LatAm research catalyst workshop 0 2019 Elba Del Carmen Valderrama Bahamóndez
1st CSCW@ LatAm research catalyst workshop 0 2019 Elba Del Carmen Valderrama Bahamóndez
2014 IEEE Central America and Panama Convention-CONCAPAN XXXIV 1 2015 Ronald Yoel Barazarte Conte
2014 IEEE Central America and Panama Convention-CONCAPAN XXXIV 1 2015 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
2014 IEEE Central America and Panama Convention-CONCAPAN XXXIV 1 2015 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
2014 IEEE Central America and Panama Convention-CONCAPAN XXXIV 1 2015 Ronald Yoel Barazarte Conte
2D and 3D approaches to simulation of metal and composite cutting 5 2012 Nacarí Del Carmen Marín Calvo
2D and 3D approaches to simulation of metal and composite cutting 5 2012 Nacarí Del Carmen Marín Calvo
2nd International Symposium on Fuzzy and Rough Sets (ISFUROS 2017) 0 0 Aranzazu Berbey Álvarez
2nd International Symposium on Fuzzy and Rough Sets (ISFUROS 2017) 0 0 Humberto R. Álvarez
2nd International Symposium on Fuzzy and Rough Sets (ISFUROS 2017) 0 0 Aranzazu Berbey Álvarez
2nd International Symposium on Fuzzy and Rough Sets (ISFUROS 2017) 0 0 Humberto R. Álvarez
3D game engine as a visual information system 1 2012 Nadia Esther Lee García