Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 106 - 120 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Analysis and prediction of overlapped effect on inherent deformation during the line heating process 2 2013 Adan Vega
Development of a neural network model to predict distortion during the metal forming process by line heating 2 2013 Adan Vega
Reenactment of a bollard pull test for a double propeller tugboat using computational fluid dynamics 2 2015 Adan Vega
Numerical study of inherent deformation produced in thick plate through bending by line heating 3 2006 Adan Vega
Influential Factors Affecting Inherent Deformation during Plate Forming by Line Heating (Report 2)-The Effect of a previous heating line 4 2007 Adan Vega
Influential factors affecting inherent deformation during plate forming by line heating (Report 4)-The effect of material properties 4 2011 Adan Vega
About Calculation of Imperfections for Welding Simulations 4 2011 Adan Vega
Analysis and prediction of welding distortion in complex structures using elastic finite element method 5 2012 Adan Vega
Influential Factors Affecting Inherent Deformation During Plate Forming By Line Heating (Report 3)-The Effect of Crossed Heating Lines 6 2008 Adan Vega
Numerical Study on Inherent Deformation of Thick Plates Undergoing Line heating 7 2007 Adan Vega
Modelling and measurement of residual stresses in autogenously welded stainless steel plates: Part 1–fabrication and modelling 8 2009 Adan Vega
A hydrodynamic assessment of a remotely operated underwater vehicle based on computational fluid dynamic–Part 1–numerical simulation 8 2013 Adan Vega
Analysis and prediction of parallel effect on inherent deformation during the line heating process 9 2013 Adan Vega
Analysis of cross effect on inherent deformation during the line heating process–Part 1–Single crossed heating lines 11 2015 Adan Vega
Development of inherent deformation database for automatic forming of thick steel plates by line heating considering complex heating patterns 15 2009 Adan Vega