Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 136 - 150 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Numerical Study on Inherent Deformation of Thick Plates Undergoing Line heating 7 2007 Adan Vega
Influential Factors Affecting Inherent Deformation During Plate Forming By Line Heating (Report 3)-The Effect of Crossed Heating Lines 6 2008 Adan Vega
Analysis and prediction of welding distortion in complex structures using elastic finite element method 5 2012 Adan Vega
About Calculation of Imperfections for Welding Simulations 4 2011 Adan Vega
Influential factors affecting inherent deformation during plate forming by line heating (Report 4)-The effect of material properties 4 2011 Adan Vega
Influential Factors Affecting Inherent Deformation during Plate Forming by Line Heating (Report 2)-The Effect of a previous heating line 4 2007 Adan Vega
Numerical study of inherent deformation produced in thick plate through bending by line heating 3 2006 Adan Vega
Reenactment of a bollard pull test for a double propeller tugboat using computational fluid dynamics 2 2015 Adan Vega
Development of a neural network model to predict distortion during the metal forming process by line heating 2 2013 Adan Vega
Analysis and prediction of overlapped effect on inherent deformation during the line heating process 2 2013 Adan Vega
A numerical study of parameters governing an inherent deformation database of plates formed by line heating 2 2008 Adan Vega
A study on the effect on fatigue damage due to different shipping routes 1 2019 Adan Vega
Recreación de la prueba de Tracción a punto fijo de un remolcador de doble propulsor mediante dinámica de fluidos computacional 1 2015 Adan Vega
Six degrees of freedom underwater vehicle for culvert inspection 1 2014 Adan Vega
El rol del transporte marítimo en el desarrollo de los pueblos-Una mirada a la historia de la navegación marítima y su impacto en la economía mundial 1 2014 Adan Vega